When Christ offered Himself upon the cross he bore the sin of all mankind forever (Heb. 10:14). The law’s judgment against mankind’s sin was placed upon Him and He took all of it satisfying God’s wrath against us. Old Testament sacrifices were consumed and burned away leaving nothing behind indicating that the judgment was greater than the sacrifice; however in Jesus, after He had suffered, bled and died, He rose again! His sacrifice purged our sins from us but it did not consume or burn him to oblivion. Jesus the Son of God was greater than the punishment, greater than the law’s judgment, and greater than God’s wrath against sin bringing about the fulfillment that mercy and love are greater than judgment (James 2:13).
Where sin abounds grace much more abounds delivering us from the bondage of sin that was empowered by the law. We are no longer under the law for Christ fulfilled the law and then redeemed us from it (Gal. 3:13). Now we are under grace but more important is to realize that we have gone from relating to regulations and statues to relating to the Son of God.
John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Which brings me back to this foundation that grace is more than a formula or an impersonal credit card it is the personal and intimate relationship we have with the Lord. It is this relationship that transforms us and brings about victory over sin. It is seeing Jesus, beholding His glory as in a mirror within us that transforms us from glory to glory into the same image:
2Co 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
This is the truth: that as we relate to, cultivate our spiritual life, fellowship with Christ, seek that kingdom of God born into us by His Spirit, see, behold, worship, and praise Him in our hearts, transformation takes place in us as we do. We will find our spirit man filled with peace and our fears cast away, our doubts diminished, our unbelief burned away like chaff.
This means that our Christian walk becomes our life—as we behold Him! The life of Christ becomes stronger in our thoughts, speech, and imaginations, as we become consumed by faith in God’s grace.
Conclusion: What prevents us from walking this walk?
It is because we don’t know Him. It is because we have not beheld Him in us but have only seen Him at a glance. We have had our moments and as many have testified those moments are so unspeakable and full of glory we don’t want them to end. We have focused on worldly things because our mind and heart’s affections have been dominated by them. Yet, we can cultivate and experience the richness of His presence, the fullness of His joy, the peace that passes all understanding and become full, intoxicated if you will, by the Holy Spirit. In this place, in our heart, grace and truth manifest in our mortal bodies (II Cor. 4:10, 11) bringing about peace, rest, comfort, trust, love, faith, joy…all of which are products of beholding the Lord. Worship means seeing the Lord; worship means beholding His glory in us. Worship then becomes the vehicle of transformation. As we see the Lord high and lifted up within our being we will experience newness of life. This grace leads us to dominion in His name and to see Him as He is.
John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Which brings me back to this foundation that grace is more than a formula or an impersonal credit card it is the personal and intimate relationship we have with the Lord. It is this relationship that transforms us and brings about victory over sin. It is seeing Jesus, beholding His glory as in a mirror within us that transforms us from glory to glory into the same image:
2Co 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
This is the truth: that as we relate to, cultivate our spiritual life, fellowship with Christ, seek that kingdom of God born into us by His Spirit, see, behold, worship, and praise Him in our hearts, transformation takes place in us as we do. We will find our spirit man filled with peace and our fears cast away, our doubts diminished, our unbelief burned away like chaff.
This means that our Christian walk becomes our life—as we behold Him! The life of Christ becomes stronger in our thoughts, speech, and imaginations, as we become consumed by faith in God’s grace.
Conclusion: What prevents us from walking this walk?
It is because we don’t know Him. It is because we have not beheld Him in us but have only seen Him at a glance. We have had our moments and as many have testified those moments are so unspeakable and full of glory we don’t want them to end. We have focused on worldly things because our mind and heart’s affections have been dominated by them. Yet, we can cultivate and experience the richness of His presence, the fullness of His joy, the peace that passes all understanding and become full, intoxicated if you will, by the Holy Spirit. In this place, in our heart, grace and truth manifest in our mortal bodies (II Cor. 4:10, 11) bringing about peace, rest, comfort, trust, love, faith, joy…all of which are products of beholding the Lord. Worship means seeing the Lord; worship means beholding His glory in us. Worship then becomes the vehicle of transformation. As we see the Lord high and lifted up within our being we will experience newness of life. This grace leads us to dominion in His name and to see Him as He is.