It is very encouraging to see progress towards our new building on Rt. 9. It's location is more than we expected being that it is in the middle of town and on the main route through Waretown. It is as if God wants others to see and hear about the gospel of grace! Who knew that this place was even around? It is a 4,000 sq. ft. facility practically ready for us to use. It will be nice for all of us to have a place we call home. Let's expect miracles, wonders, signs, and the power of God to deliver, heal, and restore to be what this place of grace is all about. Almost like a hospital may it become a beacon of God's amazing forgiveness in manifestation. As we have grown in our understanding of grace as what God has already done; we have grown in our understanding of what we are already in Him. We are swans amen! We are no longer ugly ducklings thinking, speaking, and acting like the world. We have been given the gift of righteousness and God is waiting on us to believe Him and act upon it.
We are progressing in our confidence and perspectives of what being born again means. We are not progressing towards discipleship as if it hasn't happened yet; we are sons and daughters of God. We are already what Jesus is (I John 4:17).
In this place and position of Grace we are made already ready to act upon His word. We have been given His peace, His faith, His Spirit, and His permission already to go in His name. Anyone who understands the name of Jesus and uses it is as "god" in this world. We represent Him because He is in us to do what Jesus did (John 14:12).
Go in His name and be as god to those around you. Go to spread His love, power, forgiveness, acceptance, and deliverance from darkness and sin. Go and heal the sick, cast out demons with a word, and cleanse all who are unclean; then speak to them grace upon grace. God has removed our reproach, our shame, and our guilt having washed away the writing of accusations against through the law (Col. 2:14). Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law so that we no longer live under it (Gal. 3:13). We live to our relationship and our position of grace in His name. We relate to the Lord not to regulations. This is the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that has delivered us from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). We are looking fully and completely to the one who was born into us as our intercessor and the believing one working through our mortal bodies (Heb. 7:25). We have decided to obey and believe the Lord and His word. Therefore, we go and practice the same things, for the same reasons, by the same power, and through the same Spirit. Amen.